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3D Trade Center

The 3D Trade Center is a new tool like a 3D social network : a user making a pro-active move regarding any exhibitor in the 3D Trade Center scores a business deal.

NEW3S's CEO Herve HEULLY welcomes you in his Cyber World

Posted on February 28 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in NEW3S's News :

You are very welcome to the Herve HEULLY CEO's New3s 3D virtual office.
It's time to let you get the same solution. Isn'it!

You can download there :
- 3DTC's latest brochure,
- listen to several messages,
-interact with me,
-see several up-to-dated videos,
- ...
- and discover absolute top ranked exhibitors who share the same target as me : "be ready to help you let your Business grow and provide you efficient services worldwide!".


best regards,
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