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3D Trade Center

The 3D Trade Center is a new tool like a 3D social network : a user making a pro-active move regarding any exhibitor in the 3D Trade Center scores a business deal.

122 additional 3D Trade-Shows and 3 new Awards at the 3DTC

Posted on March 17 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in The solution

2009 March 17 :  NEW3S launches 122 additional Trade Shows at the 3D Trade Center

122 additional 3D Trade Shows available, from 3D Trade Show Home Page. Dedicated to gather the professional from every kind of representative business, from any country. On line NOW!

How does that work ? 
Simply click to the activity you are concerned with, get access to 3D lift (a NEW3S's trademarked concept), select your floor, ... then your are IN). 

"Hall 1, Floor 1 : welcome to ... the dentist floor" tells you the voice.
Use your feeling as in reality in order to move inside. Make it as simple as in a video game. Use the arrows of your keyboard, and simultaneously press left key of your mouse. As you walk inside the 3D Trade Show, you discover what's displayed on the walls. You meet true people. You meet a true virtual technological booth. You meet some much more than a poor dead dictionnary!

Lets'discover, much more you have not seen yet.
On your own computer (laptop, desktop + loudspeakers turned ON), you could interface a joystick to play as in video game.... except than here, your are in real live (virtually redesigned).
Imagine yourself as having a 3D virtual booth. Imagine you have been enhanced dramatically.... up to the upper quality limits you may encounter once in your life, ... letting everyone as YOU, on earth, discovering and interacting with you. Let's key in : www.3d-trade-center.com or www.3dtc.com

The 3D Trade Center has been again 3 times awarded at the international IMAGINA - INTRAVERSE competition.   

Imagine you are virtual, able to speak to anyone 24Hours a day, 7 days a week,
Imagine you are the one who changes your profile, as much as you want, even at night,
Imagine you have your retailed shop on line, in 3D and even more... 
In 3V as : "Vraie Visite Virtuelle - Valued Virtual Visit".

Walking through the numerous lifts and halls of the 3D trade shows, you gather within a short and efficient timeframe a true unique experience. You get on your own,  the experience of your life. Let's discover people and ressources as you could not expect up to now.

Thanks to NEW3S company and its brilliant way to let people interconnect between each others.
Thanks to the 3D TRADE SHOW
: the portal of cyber worlds, made in NEW3S.

NEW3S is originally a french company.
Let's try on your own.... the unique experience of your life.

The one who has interest can improve his own curiosity as much as he wants. And in any case contact NEW3S for further explanations ans details.

It's time to improve your WEB id.
Either getting a new WEB 3D Id, or create a complementary shoping window on the web, additionaly of your existing shop,..... let's have a look.

Let's be the ONE who shows the new 3D WEB. Let's make people as supplier, providers speak to you as you became since you are 3D TRADE SHOW reshaped!  

To start NOW this new experience, call  +33 1 41 74 95 47  or simply send e-mail to contact@3d-trade-center.com .

Even we are Number 1 on Business 3D Virtual Life,
We'll deliver you a human and concrete welcome.
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