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3D Trade Center

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2009 WIVA - 2009 World Intraverse Awards : the winners

Posted on May 18 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in AWARDS

We have the winners of the 2009 WIVA: we can witness now that you have awarded the knowledge society empowerment and value creation enhancement within 3D virtual social networks and serious games...
- Gold World Award 2009: New Media Consortium on Second Life, CEO Larry Johnson

Silver World Award 2009:
     - Orange Labs with "Come In My World", Project Director, Louis Paré
     - Michelin with "Architecture Enterprise" on Second Life, Chief Enterprise Achitect, Philippe Barraud

- Bronze World Award 2009: BNP Paribas for the serious game "Professional appraisal interview", Head of Group Training and Skills Development, Valérie Belhassen.

We are also delighted to annonce these 4 special mentions as prior to "knowledge urbanisation" there are experiences to embrace and we have therefore recognised the following achievments

- "The most innovative Virtual Experience" Special Mention of the 2009 WIVA jury with "Virtual Dive", Managing Director Alain DINIS on Virtools

- "The greatest value proposition for SMEs" Special Mention of the 2009 WIVA jury with "3D Trade Center", CEO Hervé Heully on New3S

- "The most global 3D fashion centric achievment" Special Mention of the 2009 WIVA jury with "Frenzoo", CEO Simon Newstead www.frenzoo.com

and the last Mention for "the most promissing project" to the Segovia project with Open Sim, CEO Juan Sonlleva

We will see your avatar soon with the WIVA 2010 at the New Media Consortium island in Second Life !
Gilbert REVEILLON, President

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