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3D Trade Center

The 3D Trade Center is a new tool like a 3D social network : a user making a pro-active move regarding any exhibitor in the 3D Trade Center scores a business deal.

3D TRADE CENTER now fully supports foreign languages

Posted on September 26 2009 by 3D TRADE CENTER in NEW3S's News :

Meanwhile the 3D TRADE CENTER was transcripted to english language, the editor has also setup possibility to choose definetely language and country settings.

3D TRADE CENTER becomes scalable to fit to any state or country.
By end of august, 3DTC's traffic went over the 89 countries and over 410 cities in France.

Allowing such features, the 3D TRADE CENTER delivers full capabilities to anyone to rely on his 3d botth or 3D office and let his clone doing the work he cannot anymore do.

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