As a result, we are now proud to announce that every 3D office located inside the 3D OFFICE TOWER is fullfilled with the following features :
- Time schedule :
Look at your 3D Office. At a first glance, visitor car see what time it is by the exhibitor.
Exhibitor's challenge to setup his own time accordingly to where is is physically located.
Your 3D space start having journey all around the world.
- Google Agenda / Google organizer :
Every exhibitor can now be related to his ON-LINE agenda. Simultaneously, everyone can share exhibitor's availability.
By a simple clic, let's share your public agenda, allowing a non disturbing period.
NEW! 3D TRADE CENTER has integrated SKYPE connexion. Everyone can now dial and chat with a 3D OFFICE TOWER exhibitor. By a clic, discover if your contact is On-line , or Away!
Get high quality voice over multi-points connexion, for free.
Press press here to visit your next 3D office at the 3DTC.